End of the World, Etc (Split)

dont i dont care if YOU care about my opinion....the right people will your just not the right person and your not the only person on this forum. stop replying to me....According to you spelling determines how mature people are....LOl what has the world come to thank god change is coming from this ignorance. you cant judge people through their spelling on the internet and say their not mature when you dont even know them.
I'm not sure if bad spelling points to maturity levels or not, but your reaction to the suggestion of taking the time to spell correctly.... Just might....
Judging you on the contents of your posts, your inability to string 2 sentences together without multiple graofftopictical and spelling mistakes, your forgetting that people in England speak English, your confusing of Islam and Judaism when trying to argue with people about religions, your complete lack of critical senses and your reliance on youtube for your political, spiritual and scientific news I can say with some confidence... you are not mature.
Bro get over it MOST OF EUROPE SPEAKS THEIR OWN LANGUAGE NOT ENGLISH i could care less about england....Just because i said most people dont speak english in europe doesnt mean im wrong(polish people could care less about england)...I made a freaking mistake with 2 different bibles and you make it seem like im wrong on everything(just because i said the wrong name but if you take the correct name of the bible you will see im right as proved in the sources i gave).

My links to youtube point to cnn,fox,history channel, national geographic, discovery channel and more are you saying you are more correct then all these sources?All these people that go to universities to study this stuff are now wrong because your right? you have 0 sources behind your cliams and everything i have ever said in this thread is backed up by sources. I dont care if people see me as a credible source of info as i always have more higher educated peoples as sources of my info and i just put it together into one big picture which your too blind to see.
In other words your speculating, no? If this was anything more than speculation the science community would be backing it beyond the entertainment industry. It's not a matter of you not having sources, it's a matter of whether your sources are drawing their conclusions based on the evidence or not.

Right now, to be honest.... It seems as though your sources aren't following the evidence to a conclusion but rather, they are trying to fit the evidence into a presupposition. And I think for the most part this is what some of the others are questioning.
yes i understand that everything im saying is only a POSSIBLILTY(except for global change from global warming). The people that are againts what i say cant prove that its wrong until it comes. And i understand that what i say might not be true but there is just so many signs pointing to it(more and more with time)....not couple people, we got different civilizations, people from different parts of the world having similar beliefs in whats coming around 2012. There is this whole cycle of life everywhere not just in mayans.
You didn't say 'most people in Europe don't speak English' you said that you assumed that someone was American/Canadian because they spoke English and explained that you forget sometimes that people speak English in the UK. As Polish as you may be haven't you been living in Canada for the past number of years? When I was in Canada for 5 months I never came across any individual who didn't remember that people in the UK speak English. I don't really have much interest in Poland and yet I know that most people in Poland speak Polish. And that indeed is my point; such statements suggest that you are either incredibly ignorant and have no real idea about the rest of the world, that you are very young and possibly incredibly sheltered or that you don't think about anything you type. Or perhaps all 3.

In regards confusing the Torah and the Quran this is indictive of your lack of knowledge on the subjects you are trying to educate and argue with people on. You are trying to dispute you have researched and understand various religions and religious texts and yet you can't distinguish between the central religious texts of two of the largest religions. It's bad enough that you were actually trying to argue about understanding religions better at the time but the very fact that you can make such an obvious error at any time speaks volumes. I would imagine probably everyone else reading this thread and probably most people on this site would be able to distinguish between Torah-Judaism and Quran-Islam. You also didn't just confuse a book you actually called a Jewish member 'Mr.Islam' further highlighting your supreme ignorance.

In short your credibility is extremely low when it comes to basic everyday facts that most everyone knows so imagine how low it is when it comes to more complex or obscure facts that require research. Your ability to post coherently and without making tonnes of spelling and graofftopicr mistakes is extremely low and your ability to research a topic is clearly pathetic... which all leads to the clear conclusion that your view on the variety of complex subjects you cite is about as trustworthy as Osama Bin Laden.

You misunderstand your sources, draw extreme conclusions, are unable to distinguish between good and bad sources and clearly have done no real research into any of the topics you discuss. Looking spefically at the Mayans the ideas about their calendars that you spout are rubbished by the mainstream academics who deal with the Mayans. They say it's all rubbish and there are in depth refutations to almost every fringe theory you cite but anytime anyone points that out to you- you ignore it. Hence it's clear you are not interested in what the relevant experts are saying... you're actually only interested in parroting new age conspiracy theories.
They don't really need to prove it wrong. As of right now, there's simply no reason for them to believe it.

After looking around a bit, it appears that the Mayans aren't the ones necessarily making predictions, it's those speculating that are asserting that a prediction of this nature has been made----->(See link bellow.)

I put forth that these aren't signs pointing towards anything but rather, these are things being lead into pointing at something. I.E. These things are unrelated and merely assumed and forced into causality with the theory in question.


Admittedly we don't know what will happen, however, we do know that the theory begins and ends with seemingly baseless assumptions.
*Ahem*, when did you become the mouthpiece of the Polish? It's hard enough for them in England right now without you posting these comments.