End of the World, Etc (Split)

Hey now I can't let this thread down, it has me attached like a magnet on a stainless steel fridge. Everybody can say what they want. Free world right?

"When one tags along the rest follow." It is natural for us to do this because we do dislike of being disliked. We do whatever is best to make each other happy and agree on what's best for us to all decide on.

Or when the minority is insignificant to the majority.

So in this case, I'll just smile and nod and pretend to agree so I can become part of the majority, XT18 should do the same. I'm not going to talk into my mind that 2012 in bunch of BS. I'm typing with my hands that I'm convincing myself to type out a white lie. So my fellow Mapper's can agree on something and not make a fight about it or a debate that goes no where.

Then XT18 we could have a p2p coversation so that if you want to express yourself then you can express yourself without lying to someone that believes in the same thing.
since nobody listened to me the first time..
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzQlylE-oQ4
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egZCinHcGDw&watch_response
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqnQbCWO_Xc&watch_response

Hey and look, XC is on there at 5:15 on the second part!

and 2:15 on the third! WEE!!!
Banpen it's not the end of the world, it's the beginning of a new one. Penn and Teller like to debunk it as BS in a humorous way for people to lose more faith of what the changes and dangers are.

On the part 3 of the video. "Of where everyone will recieve the mark of the beast."

That quote relates to the National I.D card that will be handed out to everybody and will replace credit cards, driver licenses, Photo I.D's, and will have much more personal information on the card, and the information of yourself will be given out, practically everywhere that you'll go. Privacy will be literally crushed. It is however noted that the I.D card will be the start of a New World Order from the U.S Shadow Government.

This is an excuse to make sure and to keep out terrorists from entering the U.S, and anywhere else and to ensure the security that is needed for everyone.

They'll also implant RFID chips. I will be thilled if this doesn't happen.

People born on or after December 1, 1964, will have to obtain a REAL ID by December 1, 2014. Those born before December 1, 1964, will have until December 1, 2017 to obtain their REAL ID.

Thankfully we get a break away from having it on May of this year. The delay caused by the lack of support from indicidual states. Which is a good thing to refuse it. But we'll get the cards from them eventually, unless if we do something to stop them for good.
XT, in general you're making some pretty dimwitted conclusions based on dimwitted theories contrived by some dimwitted conspiracy nuts; we're just lucky you're not a dimwit or else this thread would be looking really ugly.

On the sea ice thing, a lot of people do believe that the Arctic Ocean could be ice free within the next decade or so. This is not an incredible claim- after all, last summer didn't a ship pass through the Northwest passage finding that there was no ice?
But you seem to think that this is going to raise sea levels so much that there will be mass flooding and so on. It won't happen. We're not talking about defrosting the entire Antarctic ice cap here, just the measly blobs of ice floating around in the Arctic. In comparison, that's insignificant.
You should do some research on the specific heat capacity of water. I know you won't though, because it's tedious and worthwhile, as opposed to wham-bam exciting but utter BS science that you wolf down like a kid munching on his pop tarts. You will find that it takes a lot of energy for water (or ice) to increase in temperature. It's simply not possible for masses and masses of ice to melt in 4 years and flood us all (or result in any other absurd phenomena you mention).

XT, the only cure for you is to be chained to a desk with your eyes glued open whilst being subjected to 60 year old textbooks on Real Analysis, Thermal Physics, Newtonian Dynamics and Organic Chemistry. The result of this would be that you'd end up so utterly horrified and appalled, and bored, by what science really involves that you'd never visit another abovetopsecret.com or read another pop-sci conspiracy loony book ever again- and you'd leave us in peace with our brains intact and our eyes back in our sockets.
Though personally, reading your posts has caused my left testicle to drop off, and I don't think that's reversible.
lol... now we have shrukin posting about how is he going to pretend to agree but really secretly continue disagreeing. This thread is surely a classic now. Also, any science/current events info I need I know the first 2 posters I'm looking for!
Roflcopter. This kid is more entertaining than a Tom Clancy book.

Seriously, XT, you are a tallented writer. Absolutly hilarious.
yeah, he's a very talented troll. A little more practice, maybe round some other forums to broaden your range and vocabulary and he'll knock 'em dead.
You obvisly dont know what i mean the water by it self wont just rise 20 meters it will be the wind and the storms that will bring it onto land. http://visz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/index.php?smp=&lang=eng RIGHT NOW on this map the island next to africa is having 3 storms....category 4 3 and 1 all at once the wave high is about 13 meters and the winds are 260kmh+ RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT. I have a feeling katrina was nothing for usa compared to whats going to come in their future. The only downside i have seen in canada for my self is the extreme cold in winter and extreme hot in summer every year in canada we brake heat records. The change in climate dosent only melt the ice it creates stronger storms that will kill. And if you have a problem with what i say here dont visit my threads why do you even come in here to complain? why do you say all my stuff is bs? based on what your opinon?

You also tell me to get updated with the time and not to belive old stuff your funny you know explain this, how is this possible 3 thousand years ago?

Ancients knew alot i trust them when they say change is coming that matches with what some scientists are saying today stop being a sheep and open your eyes. They might of not been as technology advance as us but they had knowledge of the world and the universe they knew about cycles like mayans and even sumerians thousands of years ago.
You can't force people to believe what you do

You're obviously passionate about this subject. But ranting on a martial art forum isn't going to get you far is it
i know i cant tell anyone on whats real and what to belive...im not trying to, im just defending my self from what he said...Saying that this is all false and just a conspiricy with 0 proof trying to discard what i say without even giving it a possiblity of happening. The biggest change around us is our climate and i guess he cant even notice that....
Point being? Stronger storms doesn't equal the end of the world. Sure climate change is gonna hit bad but not that bad.

Please, the Mayans:

A) Couldn't predict the future
B) Didn't gove a toss about us
yes climate will be bad why arent people told that? why are we prepearing for worse climate? why wait for it to hit and kill off many people before we secure our selfs?why do most people wait for the worst to start actually happening to take action on what they can see coming in the future?

You obvisly know NOTHING about the mayans, their predicted events are based on our solar system and stars, at sunrise on December 21, 2012 for the first time in 26,000 years the sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the milky way and the plane of the ecliptic. this cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the sacred tree, "The Tree of Life", a tree remembered in all the world's spiritual traditions. Some observers say this alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration.

Thats the basic belife for the mayan calandar, we are entering a new world of the 5th sun. Everything around is speeding up like time, technlogoy advance,rate of climate change, etc. They belived after that time we will have gone beyong technology, time, and money new world/new cycle. Also dont forget the wobble of earth on the axies will be complete(precission)an event that only happens every 26,000 years and will be completed 2012.

And you said nothing about the egyptian wall carving? is that fake ? how could people so long ago know about submarines, helicopters, airplanes.....
Also the aztecs belived in the same thing, also dont forget the hopi predictions and their pretty much same as mayans and aztecs...And dont forget the native american indians and their belifes they also got a big date around 2012. And for the christans saying the story of their bible coming to end soon? arent we living in "end times" according to the bible? How is it that so many different people have some big spiritual outcome around 2012? they all agree if you put all their spiritual belifes side by side and read them they all are VERY similar, and all have a similar date either 2012 or close around it.
They didn't know. If they did know they would have probably encarved them more than one single time.


"... this concerns a section of a wall in the Abydos tomb that appears to show a helicopter, another aircraft and a spaceship amongst the other hieroglyphs. To anyone who has the merest smattering of knowledge of hieroglyphs, or takes the trouble to compare the so-called aircraft with other hieroglyphic letters and ideograms adjacent to them, and in the rest of the tomb, one fact is obvious.

This is that the original letters have been 'attended to' in order to make them seem like modern artifacts inscribed at the time the tomb was built, some thousands of years ago.

However in the last year this obvious hoax (probably perpetrated since the war) has been published in magazines as if the modified hieroglyphs were of ancient Egyptian origin. Richard Hoagland has furthered the myth and there are web sites devoted to the subject. The hoax is an obvious one but any discussion that explains why this is so is met with furious rebuffs. (Once the alterations to the original glyphs are removed then the original words and ideograms make sense again).

The myth has now become a fact!"

Wait I'm replying or at least quoting sensibly what am I doing!!!
Oh and I'm now taking bets on what random 'evidence'/conspiracy/character XT18 is going to bring in next. I've got dibs on Roswell, the pyramids and Atlantis. Any other takers?
None of this is unprecedented.

I have a feeling you don't know what you're talking about.

Every year in New Zealand we don't break heat records. Ever year in the UK we don't break heat records.

It's a discussion forum, I am discussing how stupid your ideas are. If you don't like it, don't post!

Based on, frankly, my superior knowledge and understanding of science. Which is not very great, but certainly exceeds yours, given all the evidence at hand.

What are you talking about? As for the image:

1) Fake, or
2) Doctored

That's my opinion. Yours is that it's bonafide genuine. I guess we'll never know for sure.

Ancients didn't cure smallpox, invent electricity, discover penicillin or build the internal combustion engine. Instead they spent their days hunting, shagging and, it would appear, waffling. I say we win.
Ok lets all be as smart as you(since i dont know what im talking about like you say) and watch and laugh at this first http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvDXmfB3peY&feature=related yes its very funny its only flooding right? its from the history channel and notice they say its going to happen this century(comedy right? ).

I have mentiond of the heat braking records in CANADA clearly anyone who lives here and listens to the radio or the news in the summer will always hear each summer of the hotter and hotter heatwaves hitting us braking record each year.

Also you have 0 knowledge of the mayans, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7hRnSLlq7k&feature=related watch that and 4 other parts of it there is 5 in total this is from the history channel on maya, they cleary state later on in the video(later on in other parts) that their calandar is more advanced then any other we have today and they had a extreme knowledge of stars and the universe around them. Unless you going to say that the history channel is wrong on saying how much more advance their calandar is. They paid the most attention to time more then any other civilization and they had a great understand of it. They clearly state in the video that mayans werent caveman people like you try to make them seem like..They were actually pretty advance in the knowledge of our solar system, the stars, and even time...The 5 parts of that video pretty much confirm what i said about maya before.
My internet is too slow for this.

"Anyone who lives here and listens to the radio or the news in the summer..."

Sorry, but what sort of evidence is this? You really will believe anything, won't you.

What if I told you that I have a bachelors degree in Ancient History and specialised in Mayan Culture?

I'd be talking through my arse, that's what. Just like you.

Pffffffff, calendars. Yippee. We've been to the moon. And to outer space. We know more about space and the universe than they could ever have. We = t3h r0x0r; the Mayans = t3h sux0r.

Listen jimbo, if you are going to rely on documentary channels for your information then there's little hope of arguing. You need to widen your horizons and learn that what's mentioned in these documentaries very often does not reflect scientific consensus. You could have 1 paper saying that the Mayans were all future predicters and super advanced- and then 100 all out there scoffing at it. Which papers do you think will make up the majority documentary? That's right, the hip, hop and happening and utterly ridiculous paper. Maverick scientists are the only ones that documentaries are interested in. Well, mainstream documentaries.

When you read all this stuff, you're not even skimming the surface. You've know idea what is happening behind the scenes, and how discredited all your bull is. But you just read on, critical faculties disengaged (that is assuming you have any to engage) and lap it all up.

Think for yourself.

"Stop acting like a sheep". Yes, that's right- sheep move in small flocks as well as large ones.