End of the World, Etc (Split)


Thats after a 2 min search... I'm not the only one laughing!

Also because it's clear that debating anything with you is about as useful as debating with an unsharpened pencil here are 5 of your best moments for everyone's amusement:
No, NASA says 2012 will have the biggest solar storm in 50 years. Not the biggest solar storm ever, or the biggest solar storm in centuries, or the biggest solar storm any of us will ever live to see. It's the biggest solar storm since the 1960s. That hardly rings of apocolypse.
LOL ya go look thru my posting history and post everything i say obvisly some of them are jokes maybe one day youll be able to tell the differeance from a joke to a serious one. good try to come back like im gonna care bout some peoples opinions on the net
they're hilarious. And it's not just one person's opinion on the net. It's the internet's opinion- you fail
Well then you're making a correlation/causation fallacy. You need to understand that correlation does NOT imply causation. The fact all these things may or may not happen at the same time does not mean there is a cause and effect taking place between them.

What you stated above are not "multiple sources" they are nothing more than things which you've cobbled together to make a correlation/causation fallacy, not an argument! We have something which is predicted to happen (i.e. a large solar flare), something which a crank thinks will happen (i.e. advance climate change in 4 years!!), and complete nonsense which you probably would like to happen (i.e. discovery of a non existence planet). Anyone can cobble together multiple independent things and posit a causation for them but it mean nothing!

Example from the link above:

The fact X may happen in 2012 and the fact the Mayan calender expires in 2012 does not mean the Mayan calender points to X happening.

Again I must ask what the Mayan prophecy has to do with climate change?
it goes with climate change it can have an effect I posted before about it causing sickness by damaging the human body cells under spots where that energy goes thru our atmoshphere and gets trapped under it, i posted a video to it too check it out. Also solar storms can cause electronics to go out with a emp.
if u look into mayans ull know they watched the stars, youll know they wrote down everything that happened according to the stars and where they moved. They had a reason for that date no one really knows why some say it marks the end of times, the start of a new life cycle and entering 4th demension stuff, some say its nothing we dont really know why they picked that date. For all i know it could mark the end of our current workd into the new world or the 4th world which is always swept by disasters. This would not be the first time this has happened it happen multiple times in the past and it goes with the 2012 timeline

Planet x what does it have to do with climate change? well the planet is said to be multiple times bigger then earth, a pretty big one actually with alot of gravity to it. The planet if it enters into our solar system will effect every single planet in it with its gravity pull, we would expieiance our magnetic fields changing like they are, and bad climate and eventually a pole shift since when it passes by us our poles would flip towards the planet.

"something which a crank thinks will happen (i.e. advance climate change in 4 years!!), " that is what you said your self its funny even though science would agree(even nasa) that at this rate in 4 years there would be a lot of bad weather leading to super storms like you see on science channel. nasa > you
You have no idea how the greenhouse effect works, do you?

Our atmosphere is transparent to visible light and some higher frequencies. Carbondioxide reflects low frequency light. When high frequency light passes through the atmosphere, some of it is absorbed by the earth, which causes it to heat up. The earth then radiates *LOW ENERGY* infrared radiation, which is completely harmless, but that the CO2 in the atmosphere reflects back to the earth, keeping it warm.

Infrared radiation has to long of a wavelength to cause cancer, to affect DNA, or produce any negative effects. It is produced by every warm body, and you will get a higher dose of it standing next to your oven set to 450 degrees than you ever will from the earth during a solar flare.

Global warming will have no effect on the negative impacts of a solar flare on health. And since the upcoming activity is going to be smaller than that of 1958, there shouldn't be any problems other than possibly a temporary effect on GPS.

Also, there's some disagreement about the date. Estimates range from 2010 to 2012.
yes its not direct 2012 but around that date anything close around 2012 should be checked out. Solar storms might not cause much damage since our planet can protect us but it dont protect us 100% please watch this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8p3nFdP0C4s explains what im talking about when i mention solar storms causing sickness.

Besides not everything is just going to happen on 2012 its already starting with bad weather getting worse and worse that will just add onto the bad things that are already happening.
This is just beyond hilarious - seriously.

XT18, dude, c'mon. How much time do you actually spend "researching" these bogus doomsday theories? Surely there's more to life, like your bareknuckle street brawls?

If you don't be careful you're gonna end up more like Fox Mulder, than Randy Couture.
I haven't followed this thread, just butting in briefly

The year 2012 is one that pops up a LOT these days, I'm getting tired of seeing/hearing it. There's a whole range of theories not only from religion (the 3 1/2 years of world peace then a new truth etc, also the 2nd war in heaven and common 'angel' theories, anyone seen the prophecy films? ) but from recognised scientists and mathematicians (mathematicians have apparently made predictions about a peak in activity that happens every 'x many years' and is due again in 2012). There's also a lot of people following this, some on this forum that I know of, making their own interpretations from the angle they're looking from, whether it's science/religion and so on.

2012 itself, the years leading up to it. Whether there's any truth in any of it is yet to be seen I guess!
OMG OMG OMG!!11one

There's only 4 years left!!!!

only 1 thing we can do:

Join some ridiculous cult where the leader claims he is the next jesus and go and kill ourselves in a cave before the event.

Also make sure there is enough tv coverage so you get on a TV documentory about Religous Cults and then we can prove the whole world wrong when they enter hell on earth and everyone who kills themselves goes to a better place.


I just read all this thread and, like, seriously? You're argueing this nonsense with a kid somewhere in Canada...

I don't know whether to laugh or cry

I have now headache brought by the vast (greenhouse gas induced melting polar icecap mayan predicted repitle overlord sun heating increasing lava flows (WTF?)) amount of silliness here...

This is why I usually avoid "Off Topic"!
Ya laugh at me for what i think COULD HAPPEN im not saying its 100% be all is all to happen its just a possiblity and if it happens then whos going to be laughing? once 200 mph winds sweep through your city ripping all the building apart will you be laughing then? my argument is mostly with the weather/science with added religion, mayans about the 2012 date "end of times" or "end of our cycle" we dont really know.. What we do know from old texts is that when new cycles come big distruction comes last one is also written in the bible. Thats what really got me into looking into it the whole end of cycle.

Its funny how some try to laugh at me ignoring our climate acting like its nothing even if what is happening continues to happen...Like i said weather is getting worse and worse i dont wanna live in a country where in 5 years time in the winter its going to be -50 becuse of climate change...You guys laugh at me for carring about the future of my own life? LOl shows most people just care about their money, big houses and governments controlling us with us supporting them...

I guess im not like people here no one is willing to stand up for whats right and help out to get a world wide change going to actually save our own planet...We wont just go living on mars once our planets goes crazy.

And yes im 19 in about a 2 weeks but i say im 19 anyway i dont got problems when buying alcohol at lcbo since they dont count down straight to the day just month so i kind of consider my self already 19.

Do you even know what global warming is?

How can global warming occur on planets that don't have an atmosphere?
im in south of ontrario it never goes over that cold here and i lived here for almost 8 years, maybe in the northern parts of canada its -50 but -50 at the border? that would mean cities close to canada in usa would be at least -40 is that normal and fine with you?

and as for Verx global warming is happening on EVERY PLANET IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM i already posted the link but here it is again

"Sun Blamed for Warming of Earth and Other Worlds"


"Breaking: Warming On Jupiter, Mars, Pluto, Neptune's Moon & Earth Linked to Increased Solar Activity, Scientists Say"