Embry Riddle in Arizona or Florida? Is it a good school in general?


May 15, 2008
I'm 18, graduating high school this upcoming spring. I'm really interested in becoming a pilot (no joke). I've learned that I need to complete my private pilot training, do my instrument rating, etc. Can I complete those courses at Embry Riddle?

However, I have NO experience in flying. I've been on a helicopter ONCE, not flying it though...just went on it for fun back when I was a kid.
My parents and I have been talking about going to ERAU for awhile now..and I think it's time I decide to apply or not.

I heard it's not hard to get into this college and ERAU just cares about your money. (I'm sure most colleges care about your money as well)

What my real question is...do you think I will be fit for this school/direction after high school? I REALLY WANT TO FLY. If I do decide to go to ERAU, I don't know which school to go to, Florida or Arizona? I live in a place where it's raining all the time...and I'd like to enjoy some sun and something new like Florida. In AZ, I have family there.
My GPA isn't so bad...I'd say 3.5 average. I've taken some honors classes. I just don't know if aviation is for me, but I really love it.

This is so hard, please help?
OH, and should I take the ACT or SAT or both for Embry Riddle?
I think the best one is at daytona beach florida. Well if you are interested in flying i think the prescott campus might suit you better. Overall the florida one is more renowned. Yes that GPA sounds fine. It is the best school for aeronautical eng. The tuition pretty much goes into like 20+K an year. They are private and selective. Yeah a friend of mine said you really need to buckle down into it. Im a mech eng major who planned on once doing aeronautical engineering. I have an eye for some of these stuff.