Elmo Voice Pictures – Kevin Clash Avoids Jail


Active member
Jul 4, 2007
The Elmo voice, real name Kevin Clash, is going to avoid jail time. A man had come forward claiming that Elmo voice had sex with him when he was just 16 years old. While Elmo voice denied the charges, reports hint that it took a financial settlement to get the man to recant the claim.

There isn’t word yet whether Kevin Clash will continue to work for Sesame Street as the Elmo voice. He reportedly got in trouble for using his Sesame Street email address improperly.

Either way, it sounds like Elmo voice will refrain from talking about the incident from now on. “I am relieved that this painful allegation has been put to rest,” said Elmo voice. “I will not discuss it further.”

I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to look at Elmo the same, to be honest.

Here are some Elmo voice pictures of Kevin Clash:

Elmo Voice Picture

Elmo Voice Pictures Kevin Clash

Elmo Voice Pictures – Kevin Clash Avoids Jail is a post from: EveryJoe
