Elaborate Bank Heists

only problem is then your splitting the money that many ways. and yours doesnt solve how to get into the vault.
Find me flaws in my plans. I don't actually plan on robbing a bank...I plan on working like a regular jackoff and inheriting everything from my grandfather.
1. Find bank location in DENSELY POPULATED AREA (they won’t hear digging). Shell out enough cash to buy a studio in the ghetto under a fake name (also purchase used shitty van). Make bank inquiries as to how old the vault is and if they have tightly monitored deposit boxes. Figuring that you are someone who demands security, he/she will try and impress with logistics that normally wouldn’t be given to ordinary customers.
2. Obtain cutting tools that use Polycrystalline diamond, but of course make sure that the materials that you are cutting into are non-ferrous. (obtain tools in the first place by buying the tools from ebay, I guarantee you they are out there. Go ahead, look.)
3. Find primary transformers in your area and search out nearby electric hubs. Proceed to buy mice or “feed rats” from petco using cash (it will make sense later)
4. Buy a p.o. box in china and have a SecPro cell phone jammer shipped too that address and then shipped again to your shotty studio.
5. Purchase a deposit box and the contents that will be put into it will be a gps navigational device that will run on rigged battery extenders, then place a large magnetic rock of some sort in there as well. (preferably both in the same depo. Box)
6. Having completed all the necessary steps for this, find a man-hole for a sewer and proceed to find route to the bank under the city to cut down on unnecessary digging. You will be able to find the bank by using a gps device to locate the one inside of the vault (yes they can do that) for the deposit boxes. If the gps fails use the BIG FUCKING magnet you put in to find your way (do this by using a very sensitive magnetic field finder, most likely the ones used for “catching” ghosts).
7. Once you are as close as you can be begin too dig with common drills that you can find at home depot. The excess dirt can simply be thrown into the sewer water.
8. When you get relatively close, signal too your accomplice that it’s time to use the feed mice (or rats) too cut through the wires. You can make them do this by smearing the wires with peanut butter (they love it and will eat it) and the power will be knocked out to the surrounding areas as well as the bank.
9. Once you are under the bank vault, use the magnet too pinpoint your position exactly and dig upward until you hit the concrete of the vault. Then use the Polycrystalline tools and saw through concrete and maybe steel. Once in the vault of deposit boxes proceed to loot while your accomplice activates the SecPro jammer too intercept and block outgoing calls to make sure no one can notify the police properly (god forbid that it even comes to this).
10. Proceed to break into the deposit boxes for unmarked bills and jewelry (anything else is simply too trackable). For a fast loot extraction have your accomplice return to the end of the tunnel and use a cable to pull the bags that are hooked up to it all out at once out of the vault. Evacuate vault and escape with loot to parked van located next to manhole. Return to studio and burn all incriminating evidence, THAT INCLUDES THE STUDIO.
11. Use unmarked bills in the diamond market (the only market that won’t report purchases of diamonds in cash that excess the amount of 10,000$) and sell diamonds for reputable untraceable cash.
12. Fucking profit.
This plan isn't too creative, but might actually work
Actually, yeah. But crap like this was well known as hell before those movies. The guys who pulled of the heist in the bank job weren't the first people to do tunneling. In fact, there were a duo of brothers who would tunnel through a wall of a building parallel to that of a the bank into the vault or bank itself.
They had on a bullet proof vest and Kevlar on the arms and legs.
The only reason they were able to do it was because at the time cops only carried a pistol, which couldn't get through their vests. Now all of them have rifles.
dont know if its been said yet, didnt read all posts. i would walk in, and kindly ask them for the money, if they say no, they i try again tomarrow, and keep on trying until they get so annoyed, they just give it to me.
First of all, the weren't protected on the legs, read the wikipedia article.

second of all, the cops had12 gauge shotguns, but that wasn't powerful enough

They were protected in the legs. Just not the feet, which is where the cops shot. And bird shot, or a slug round from 200 feet away isn't going to blow their bodies a part like in the movies.

Don't talk about something if you know nothing. Wikipedia doesn't even have factual information.
really? that's funny because you said that they weren't protected on the legs. Legs =/= feet :)

you also said the cops ONLY have small hand guns, which ISN'T true. They did have shotguns, but weather it was effective or not is not relevant.
Requires a crew of 15; Must be in a somewhat small city, with route to ocean.

Over the course of two weeks, you plan 5 individual small buisness roberys. Each robery consisting of 2 to 4 people depending on size. Each robery using differnt people, differnt cars, and differnt escape points. All robers wearing identical grey brandless hoodies, with hood. All Robers use identical caliber guns, with identical bullets. All guns and ammo must be bought 6 months prior robery

Week 1; Tuesday, 9PM. Group of 2 robs gas station. Doesnt harm cashier, emptys cash register, steals 2 cartoons of cigs, Scratch lottery tickets.

Week1; Thursday, 8PM. Group of 2 robs differnt gas station on the other side of town. Shoots cashier in leg, Emptys cash register, steals 2 cartons of cigs, and scratch lottery tickets

Week2; Wensday, 10PM. Group of 3 rob differnt gas station. Shoots+Kills cashier, and all people in gas station. Emptys cash register, steals 2 cartons of cigs, Shoots several holes in ATM, completly destroys the inside of gas station.

Week2; Thursday; Annomous tip gets dropped off at the police station, by a previous robber. Saying that on friday 6PM, a robbery will be held at (said gasstation)

Week2; Friday 4:45 PM, Bank. Group of 4 make way into the designated bank, acting casual.

Week2; Friday 4:45 PM, Other side of town from bank. A designated person, is speeding on a highway purposly, Person gets pulled over by cops. As cop leaves to go write ticket, the driver fires several gunshots, and drives off speeding. At this time a signal is made to a person whos robbing the bank.

Week2; Friday 5PM, (said gasstation) gets robbed, casheir killed, cash register emptyed, 2 cartons of cigs get stolen.

Week2; Friday 515 PM, Bank. Group of 4 explains there is a bank robbery in progress. Takes all money in cash drawers, bank ATM, At this time a 5th member comes in, with a drill and proceeds drilling on the main vault.

EST drilling time, 15 minutes.

5:35PM. Bank. The crew of 5 has about $200,000. The crew shoot and kill all bank employess, and 3 hosteges. 2 members of robery crew, take money and drive it out of town. As the 3 remanining members distract the cops. After 90 minutes, all remaining members kill themselves.

All money+Loot, from the gas station heists, are put into black garbage bags, along with all weapons used in gas staion heists, and are put into a trashcan 3 blocks away from the bank.

The money from the bankrobbery, will be put into a watertight safe, and dropped below a pier, at this time, All 12 remaining members, will pair off into groups of 2, and each take a seperate boat to a seperate location.

After 3 months, 2 people will return, retreve safe, and all 12 members will meet in a differnt country, split profits, and seperate
im pretty sure the members won't like it when you tell them to kill themselves

mine, pretty damn simple

1. EMP blast (these don't exist do they?) to take out all power in a city block
2. go into bank with guns, kill everyone except manager, tell manager to lead them to vault
3. detonate a large explosive in a building on the other side of a city at a specified time, blowing the vault door at the same time
4. take loot, kill manager and take the keys to his car, back the car up to a back door put loot in trunk
5. drive away

many flaws i know but im too lazy to elaborate the plan into more detail
Many vaults have a glass trap that, when broken, will cause the safe to not open AT ALL. The people who made it have to come and hit it's weak points that ONLY THEY KNOW OF. Your plan failed...horribly. AND, if a emp blast (or electricity black out) did go off...police are deployed at banks almost immediately.