EBay- I'm selling an expensive item and think my buyer might be a scam?


May 19, 2008
Hi, I'm selling a heap of items on eBay right now and one of them is a expensive breast pump. This item cost me nearly $700 and I barely used it. I have listed it on eBay with a starting bid of $250.00.
I have been watching other people's listings with the same Pump all week and it has been the same story every time.. Eg, the pump sits there all week without any bids on it and then in the last 10 mins or so it rockets up to about $310.00 just before the listing ends.
My item has been following the same trend all week, 25 people are watching my item.
Anyway, today, I had two people bid on my item, person 1- "1000m***i" and person 2- "1000d****g" (I have left out a few letters in between for obvious reasons).
Person 1 has no feedback what so ever and person 2 has a feedback rating of 1.
Both account names are identical except for a few letters and both were created in the last couple of weeks.

This all seems suss to me. Do you think I should just cancel both the bids?
My item has 1 day left to go and has 25 watchers.

I really need the money and can't afford a unpaid item right now.
(Only selling in the first place as I have a bill that I need to pay on Monday).
At this point all you can do is cancel the bids if you feel they're not serious. In the future you can post in your item description that you don't accept bids from buyers with less than 5 feed backs.