dying of cancer premonition?


New member
Jul 6, 2008
Well.. i had a dream this morning...

I bought a 100 dollar cake and it got ripped so we got into alot of trou le trying to fix it then suddenly the cake its in a black bag and i reach for it.. and a voice starts narrating.. """" the cake and this candles called cancer""""" thats all it said..

And well it had 7 candles.. they were lit.. and my grandpa its dying of cancer... and tommorrow its the 7th... could.it mean he will.die tommorow?.. or could.it mean.. i will get cancer in 7 years...?.. please help me figure this out... im freaked..
Because im guessi.g it could be either one...


My grandpa hasnt been eating or drinkingsince like 6 weeks.. maybe ig means he will die at the 7th week.??..