DVD made from HD camcorder is blurry?


Feb 18, 2008
I recently burned a DVD from a new HD camcorder using windows DVD maker and the video is blurry when watched on our HD TV, especially when the picture is moving. The video looks clear when it's played back on the camcorder. Any idea why this would happen? I used a DVD + R to record. Thanks!!
It's because of the size of the screen. I always notice the same. It looks great on the camera screen. But when I put it on a DVD (which lowers the resolution BTW) and watch it on my 42" screen it's a lot more pixelated.

The image is probably the same when your 45ft away from your television. So it's just because your tv is so big that it looks different than on the very small camcorder screen.

Also, because you burn it to DVD the video will no longer be HD (high definition) but SD (standard definition). This is lower quality than what you record. Normally DVD doesn't support HD.
A blurry video is generally due to poor shooting skill. It is hardly the fault of the camera used for shooting. Even video recorded by a professional camera can become blurry. If the captured video is itself blurry, the edited video will never be a good one.

Some of the most common causes of a blurry video are -

The most important thing in making a good video is capturing a good video. We all know the first rule is to keep the camera very steady i.e. almost static, not moving the camera. This is why we use tripod.

What about panning and tilting? Panning implies moving the camera and therefore goes against the first rule. However panning is a necessity. Hence the only way to pane the camera is to pane it very very steady. The same rule applies for tilting the camera.

Well, you just inspired me to write a post! Thanks!
Plz read the remaining from my post written just now at:
make sure to turn on the image stabilization on you record.The video looks clear because the screen is very small and when you playback on the larger screen is normally to become a little bit blurry.