Dream Interpertation Please?


New member
Feb 14, 2008
so in my Personality Theory class today, we were talking about Carl Jung [psychologist] and we briefly went over some of his theories about dreams. i know a lot of people say that "if you dream you like someone, you must like them in life" which he didnt believe was always true. in class we talked about prophetic dreams and how the unconsious mind sometimes makes conclusions from things that have happened to you in life. we learned that your dreaming mind is able to piece together bits of information and observe things that you may normally overlook or that you do not seriously consider. to put it simply, your unconscious knows whats going to happen before it does. [a possibly theory] we also briefly talked about how sometimes a dream like this is actually how it ends in an alternante universe, because the time line isnt just a straight line- it overlaps and you never know the difference. [which is an explination for deja vu] so to stop babbling and get to my point- i had a dream a fairly long time ago [which i remember like it was yesterday] i was at dinner with someone i no long speak to, but we were eating dinner in this very fancy restaurant in Paris in the Eiffle Tower and he proposed to me while there. but the curious thing, is that i was watching myself in the dream- it was like an out of body expierence. like i could see me and him and everything and i was just watching myself in my dream and i had like this floaty feeling as i watched. it was very vivid and clear. so, i got to thinking about this in class.. since i was looking into my dream... maybe it happened at another time and place and it caught up with me and i dreamt aobut it ? maybe it was a prophetic dream ? maybe it was just my desire for him ? maybe it meant absoutely nothing.

so i probably just confused most of you who are going to read this, but its just my thoughts and everything.

soooo what do you think? any opinions?

btw, sorry if i confused any of you i just kinda rambled about what we went over in class. lol.
yeah i know that just cuz you dream you like someone doesnt mean you do. well, i do like him ...