Draymond Green had a pretty eventful night against the Clippers


Jun 17, 2007
NBA fans know Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green as an excitable character. The do-everything star’s penchant for talking trash and, yes, kicking out at opponents is sometimes indistinguishable from the fire that makes him such a force at both ends. Those extracurriculars are now expected parts of his game, if not always accepted ones.
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So it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that Draymond had an eventful Thursday night during the Warriors’ 10th win in a row against the rival Los Angeles Clippers. That wasn’t the case in the box score, where Green put up seven points, six rebounds, four assists, six turnovers, and five fouls in only 23 minutes.
But Draymond did plenty to get on the Clippers’ nerves. It started within the first minute of the game, when he told Paul Pierce exactly what he thinks of his final season:

Oof, does that even qualify as trash talk? Or is it just straight-up mean? For the record, Pierce only really sought out a farewell in his final game in Boston, where he will always be a Celtics legend. This idea only appears to exist in the mind of Draymond Green, although it could have been inspired by some unheard trash talk from Pierce.
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Then, in the final minute of the quarter, Draymond kicked out at Blake Griffin in a scrum for a loose ball:
Draymond…???? pic.twitter.com/b8qufZgwx7
— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) February 24, 2017
Green’s kicking habit has drawn enough attention to not require much explanation here, but it’s possible that he was merely celebrating the new (and surely not licensed) video game “Draymond Green’s Shut Up and Slam Jam Karate Basketball.” Yes, this is a real game you can download to your computer (via Kotaku):

And that was just one half! It was enough for one reporter to praise Draymond for all he does for his team:
Draymond Green does the little things that don't show up in the box score. Like kick at your star's face and savagely mock your HoF vet.
— Bill Oram (@billoram) February 24, 2017
Finally, in the midst of Golden State’s 50-point third quarter, Green yelled at head coach Steve Kerr and earned a technical foul:
Here's video of that Draymond Green technical via @gifdsports. Yells at Kerr at 46-second mark. pic.twitter.com/UBpDunFq04
— Anthony Slater (@anthonyVslater) February 24, 2017
Again, he had a very busy night. As with all things Draymond, though, it’s likely he’ll have a few more of these moments the next time he takes the court.
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Eric Freeman is a writer for Ball Don’t Lie on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter!
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