downstairs neighbor complaining about noises 1 day after we move in?


New member
Mar 7, 2011
ok so we moved in our new place, a old bitter lady and her bitter daughter live downstairs. the first day when we were done unpacking we vaccumed the house and 10 minutes later the cops were knocking on the door saying we were making too much noise and that we were going to get a $50 fine the next time they had to come over... yesterday my nieces came over and i hear the lady scream from dowstairs that she doesnt like noises... & today i got home around nine after eating dinner with my family went upstairs walked my dogs came back up they were playing and running around nothing serious and one of them came up banging on the door screaming CAN YOU KEEP IT DOWN IN THERE? i didnt open the door bc i knew i would have knocked her in the face... i dont think i am doing anything wrong. I just moved in not even a week ago and she started calling the cops on the VERY FIRST night... shoudl i call the non emergency police number and tell them that i can barely breathe with out this woman complaining, or should i go to the office here in the complex and complain. the bitches dog is always barking 24/7, so she knows she better not complain about our dogs barking bc we got our dogs under control. i shouldnt have to be scared to vaccum my house or play with my dog or even have my nieces come over! i am beyond pissed and stressed i feel like i cant live in my pwn house. please give me your opinions.
I hope you never have to put up with the neighbour I had from hell. Hammer action drills going on at 7pm Christmas eve and drunken parties every week. To make matters worse her homeless guests tried to break into my shed several times. The local cops were about as good as a wet paper bag and the local courts in Co. Clare were also total crap. Please don't say you are living in Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland were the sheep still seem to rule the roads. If you ever visit please be warned, they are all sheep shagger's in that county
I think you should write her a very friendly letter and slip it under her door. Keep a copy for yourself and send a copy to your management. The letter should say that you're sorry she's unhappy with the noise level. You will be as considerate as possible, but during the course of the day, vacuuming and children will be heard. Perhaps you could offer to impose a 'quiet time' on your household from 9pm to 7am or something along those lines. Suggest that if it's unbearable she should take it up with management and perhaps they could do some sort of soundproofing. Emphasize that things are not likely to change and you hope everyone can get along. (If the police show up again, you may have to consider hiring a lawyer to write some letters on your behalf.) Good luck!
I understand you're mad at them, but you'll deal with them soon so no worries.

In my opinion, first thing I would do is talk with the office as I wouldn't even want to start something more with the lady.

After you've talked to the office and if by any chance nothing has been done, call the non-emergency police number and complain about them making too much noise. :)
I think you should go and complain to the office at your complex asap. , if she proceeds ,try to make her life impossible also :D
you can start by making peace or you can tape her action like when her dog bark and how long the animal bark just keep a record of when she is making noise and play it back so every one who needs to hear it .
you also need to go to the comples office and make a complain while you are at it find out what kind of person she is from others who live there.
We had the same problem. The police told us the noise level should not be higher than that when two people are talking next to each other downstairs, they should not have to yell in order to be heard by the other party. Based on this rule you can judge for yourself how big a noise you are making. What sort of a cop would want to fine you! It's crazy.
Normally this type of people would escalate their complaint if left unchallenged. You need to challenge the complaint very calmly at the beginning. You can also call the police, without identifying yourself, and see what they say. Call them again tomorrow morning, and see what they say. I don't think there is a hard fast rule for this.
Good Luck!
I lived like this for many years. Your apt floor is made out of two layers of wood, your floor is one, and her ceiling is the other, creating a hollow drum-like box. Any little noise you make gets multiplied just like a drum or wooden box, you might have a little insulation (carpet) she has nothing!. I learned how to walk so my naked heels didn't "hit" the floor. At night I would tip toe so not wake my neighbor. I also always requested the top floor so I didn't get anybody on top. She's right but that's apt living, she should have requested the top floor, so she doesn't hear anybody, you should unfortunately walk "softly" in your apt, don't let kids and dogs run or jump. Also request to change apts maybe to first floor so your activities don't bother anybody. Above all Don't argue with this person. Good luck.