downloading games on a modified PSP?


May 30, 2008
hi, i ve been browsing for a long time but i cant seem to get a definite answer

heres what:
im planning on downloading a psp or a ps1 game on psn and transfering psp/ps1 saved files from my ps3, the games would be saved into a memory stick of the psp and be played from there. since my psp is modified im not certain whether it wouldnt run or whether it would brick my psp via just by connecting the psp to the ps3 or by running the game itself on the psp. Can someone shed some light on this please?

Also, if i did buy an original game for the psp, (the small disk), same question, would it run?

note: if psp-ps3 connection doesnt work, will a storage device work? then transfer the files from a pc?