Doomsday, 2012?

I'm digging a bunker in my garden and wearing a saucepan on my head right now.
I have heard many things about '2012'. Aztec or Mayan, Nostradamus, I think, but the Jesus theory, no, if it was the time Jesus would come, then when he came the world would come to an end and no seed vault would help boiling blood seas and bitter water. No one knows the hour,day or year of Jesus's return. Best we be prepared, watch and pray. Are you? God Bless
the bible says the coming of Jesus will sneak unseen into the night like a robber so no one actually knows the date it will happen but don't worry if you are ready it won't matter besides if you where to look it up people have been saying that it was the end of the world for many many years!
according to the mayan calender yes and as well according to nostradomas
according to sir issac newton, the bible, and hindu beliefs, no it says 2060