Don't want to lose my fitness level in first trimester!?


New member
Sep 8, 2008
I'm 7 1/2 weeks pregnant and prior to this, I was really really fit! Only 7 weeks ago I used to be able to sprint train for 45mins and then do weights for an hour afterwards!!! It would take a lot to get me tired. However, since about 5 weeks ago I started getting really tired in the gym and would skip training days. Eventually I found out I was pregnant which explained the fatigue. However, I know many pregnanty women who continue to exercise during pregnancy.

I thought that because I was so fit I'd just be one of those moms... but the longer I go into this pregnancy the more tired I get, and on the days I do feel energetic and I try so much as walk for 20mins, I come back home and feel the need to just collapse on the bed and sleep for 2 hours!

What's wrong with me?!! Is it normal that a previously very fit person can be THIS tired during pregnancy?! I'm worried by the time the 2nd trimester kicks in and I'm fine again, I won't be able to do much at the gym as I would have lost all my muscles! :-( Muscles I worked really really hard to build after my last pregnancy (yes, this is my 2nd pregnancy and I became highly interested in being fit and healthy after a difficult first pregnancy as I decided I wanted to do better for the next).

So what do I do? Do I just 'waste' my time sitting on a couch until I'm 12 weeks?! I can't even go for walk in town with my son without coming back feeling absolutely exhausted. Is this normal?! I really REALLY don't want to lose too much of my fitness level.