Does the slogan "Fair and Balanced" sort of betray the intentions of Fox


New member
Sep 7, 2008
News to anyone else? I wonder this because it's been my general experience when someone else has to keep saying something like that, it's usually because it isn't true. Heck, it's pretty much always because it isn't true.

To me, it's a bit like coming across that package of diet food or dollar store food in the grocery store that has a slogan like "delicious flavor!" emblazoned across the front of the box, as if you won't notice that what you're eating tastes good unless they tell you it does. I mean, when's the last time you saw a slogan like that printed on the wrapper of a Hershey's bar?

Same thing for people who tell the truth. People who tell the truth generally have no need to keep reminding you they're telling you the truth. I've never encountered a single person who kept telling me they were telling me the truth who did not turn out to be lying their @$$es off.

Now I get to news networks. Most of the slogans are your typical self-serving nonsense. "More Americans get their news from ABC"... "The Worldwide Leader in Politics" (CNN)... "The Place for Politics" (MSNBC)... "CBS News is Very Good News" (God bless them, they're trying).

And then there's Fox. "Fair and Balanced". Every time I see footage from Fox News, it says "fair and balanced", as if their coverage won't seem fair and balanced to me unless they keep pointing it out.

The other news networks don't keep posting tags on their news footage that say things like "no really, we're not lying" or "we swear we don't rape babies".

So who's Fox News trying to convince?
Before anyone asks, the answer is "because you guys are up and usually answer".