Does the oil spill fulfill the Bibles prophecy of the "end times"?


May 13, 2008
Prophets described a "Mountain of fire with a cloud of smoke at sea" (Oil rig explosion)

And a sea of red blood (many describe the oil spill to make the gulf look like its bleeding due to the red tint)
I believe it also prophesises that "Obama did say unto Hayward - go unto the Federal Committee and suffer their bigoted rantings. And Obama did rest silently in the House that was White, doing at no point anything to verily aid the said coast of Gulf, selecting rather to postulate and piss off the British."

Something like that.
Do you know how many times I have heard that we are living in the End Times ? I am 47 and I have heard it all my life so how many last 7 years have we been through ? BTW Not even the Angels of Heaven know the appointed day .
first off, you are reading the King James version of the Bible.. which is FULL of mistranslations and purposely changed text.. secondly, the Bible does not prophecize anything, because it is a work of fiction... it is hard to be logical when you read fairy tales and consider them facts.
Not at all. I am down here where the oil spill is. What you are referring to is Armagata where the sea turns red from blood not all. I think it when we go to war with China.