Does the Law even Apply to NFL players, Other Athletes, and Celebrities?


New member
Jul 12, 2008
Jamal Lewis spends 4 months in prison on a mandatory 10 year prison term for trafficking 5 kilo's of cocaine. He was caught by a female detective but his only chargers were possession of cocaine.

Leonard Little of the STL Rams did this: taken off of a Wikipedia page
Manslaughter Conviction

After a drunken birthday in 1998, Little crashed into and killed another motorist, Susan Gutweiler in St. Louis, MO. When tested, his blood alcohol level measured 0.19 percent, a level that exceeds the statutory level of intoxication of 0.08 in the state of Missouri.[5] Little received 90 days in jail, four years probation and 1000 hours of community service.[6]

is 90 days really the minimum sentence for manslaughter under the influence of alcohol?

Paris Hilton gets arrested for her 4th DUI in the state of California. The minimum prison sentence for a 4th DUI in the state of California is 1 year. She served 45 days.

the list just goes on and on and on...guess our justice system only applies to the common man. I can't believe people can even argue that celebrities get the same punishment for the same crimes that are done. Other Athletes and Celebrities to look into are Ray Lewis who aided in killing 2 men in a Superbowl party which led to the stabbing of the two men (isn't this assisting in murder? although he did not stab them he just punched them according to documents that may or may not be biased)...and OJ Simpson ruled "innocent" on his trial of murder. no exp needed on this one.
yeah Nicole but doesn't that mean the law therefor doesn't apply to them because they can get out of anything?...or in Jamal Lewis's case serve 1/30 of his mandatory sentence.