does the 'employee mingling' policy apply for the military?

The general rules are, one up, one down for E-1 to E-3 and for E-4 thru E-6. And, no officer/enlisted relationships. Just remember: "Familiarity breeds contempt."
Officers and enlisted are not allowed to "mingle" because it causes problems when it comes time to give orders. How can you give your husband an order if you are an officer and he is a private? let's say in a few years you make sergeant and this dumb ass is still a private? How are you supposed to give him an order he MUST obey? I don't know. I can't imagine the military today as I knew it in WWII, Korea and Vietnam. In fact, the finest military personnel are those who are fighting in the Middle East. They handle a lot of shit where we would have just have blown them away.