Does my freedom of religion only extend to the inside of my home and mind?

If you live in the United States, your religious freedom doesn't even extend that far if you pay taxes. In the U S, your tax dollars go to charities that you may find morally repugnant, and because most American's haven't read their own constitution, they don't know that this is illegal. Government supports christianity now, but wait a little while and the shoe will be on the other foot. Recent Polls (multiple) conducted by evangelical organizations show that LESS THAN ONE PERCENT of people ages 18 - 24 have a biblical worldview

As to whether your religious freedom extends to your knocking on my door to evangelize, NO! That is abusive.

Requiring me to say or wait for christians to finish a prayer before a highschool football game or any other event outside of church = NO. That is abusive.
In the US we have both freedom of Religion an freedom of speech. That mean that people are free to talk about their religion in the public arena.

Although you should be careful what you do and say in the workplace, since private companies have the right to set their own policies on religious speech.

So, you are free to express your religious views but remember to be respectful to others. If someone does not wish to hear about your beliefs, do not badger them. Just wish them a good day and go on with your life.
it should thats for sure, whatever kooky trip you decide to believe is the truth is your personal business and needs to stay where your personal business belongs, leave your crazy ideas about life at home and to yourself.