Does anyone really believe that Democrats would ever use tax hikes on the...


New member
Aug 2, 2010
1 to put towards the deficit?

Like they keep telling us? Remember, the last time Democrats pretended that they were fiscal hawks they ended up adding TRILLIONS to our deficit. There is no way in HELL they have any plans on spending less.
" we will put towards to people r not dumb"

I rest my case.
Not as long as we keep creating "oppressed minorites" and find new species like the long dicked swamp donkey to protect.
Well, that's exactly what Happened during the Clinton years. Taxes were raised slightly on the rich, and combined with spending restraint, it turned the deficit into a surplus the last few years of Clinton's term. The overall debt actually went down in 1999-2001.
They'd use some of it that way. Thing is though, both parties have been adding to the debt and deficit, so both pretty much suck where that is concerned.
Believe it or not history shows that Democrats have a much better record on spending then the Republicans. You can look that up! How can you talk when your party has not come close to balancing the budget since Nixon in 1973. Your economic theory is based on increasing the debt and right now we don't have that luxury.
No, but that's why we let the Republicans have more power -- to make sure the Democrats do what they are supposed to do.

Does anyone really believe that Republicans would ever hike taxes on the rich so we could fix the deficit?
They haven't stopped spending since they took over in 2006. There's no reason to suspect they would do it now.
Only a fool would believe that.

Remember Clinton's chunk of change that just sat in Washington. Oh, they spent it alright.

Washington will spend everything we send their way, no matter what it is. Just have a gander at their expenditures.

You know they need $900,000 in new carpet per 10 months. Oh, and they also need $2.3 million in new furniture. Around $90,000 in coffee. You know some staffers make $136K or more per year. Let's see, oh! One Congressman spends around $800 in bottled water for his office every 3 months. It costs us around $3 million to feed them.

You know they NEED all of that. They haven't heard of jet-pooling or packing their lunch or anything.
If you are not old enough to remember Bill Clinton, do some research. He raised taxes on the rich and left office with a budget surplus, which was promptly wasted by the republicans.
Over the last 70 years or so, the revenue has grown by over 7% a year while spending has grown about 7.5%. Why we could not simply limit everything to 6% increase each year, with no exceptions unless that additional money came from reducing the spending in other areas. Then, any new spending for new programs or expanded programs would have to be carved out of spending that was already allocated.

Hard decisions in some budgets would have to be made, just like a business that faces reduced or declining revenue but does not have the luxury of passing the debt forever without problems.
Republicans are just as guilty as Democrats. Neither side has the welfare of this country at heart.
Yes I do.
Don't forget, the repubs take over congress in Jan. Do you think THEY would put it towards the deficit?