does anyone know of a religion that does make sense?


Jul 6, 2008
I ask this because as a person who grew up in the christian church there are so many things that just dont make sense to it. Things like

Why doesnt God "talk " to people instead of all this "i felt god wanted me to do this". wouldnt it be easier for God to just come out and say it? He may get more people doing what he wants them to and making sure it was done correctly as well.

Why does he make all these rules and laws to live by but then gives us absolutely no help in following them.

Why do we need to talk to him and ask him things anyway? being the he is meant to have planned everything then why should we ask him to change those plans? plus being he knows everything then why would we need to ask for things anyway because he would already know what we need?

Sorry there is lots of questions but in 38 years I have still not met anyone who could give me an sufficient answer

just a foot note that I have studied the bible many times, have taught it and been a church goer for all my 38 years.
only religion that makes sense today is spiritual satanism we believe in the sumerian god enki oldest records on earth say he made humanity
Well, the one I grew up made sense to me according to my own rate of spiritual maturity. It has become a part of me and me a part of it. I very often feel connected to those who have "gone before" me and those who are about to arrive.

Sometimes, I feel connected to many many people, like they are flames that spark all around me.

The questions you are asking bring to mind two things for me: one is that humans don't really want God to directly talk to them. We are on a sojourn, so to speak, away from the spirit realm. I think this place is one where we gain our bearings of exactly what sort of understanding we need of God/Life/Love in order to come to a closer appreciation of that entity.

Another is that given the "great powers" and potential we have, even in this limited form, I speculate that our spiritual forms are much more powerful, and with them we can understand all the questions in the universe. However, I often think that sometime during our existence, we agreed to endure without those powers, and are only left with these small things at our command, so that we will learn what it is to love with only 1/1000th of the grace we actually are entitled to.

It's like someone in God's court once long ago declared this: "My Lord, I would love you even if I only had one iota of your grace within me!!!"

And God looked at that person and at the multitude gathered around that one, and said: "Do you all feel the same?"

And everyone nodded.

And God said: "So Be It."

That's sometimes what I think must have happened.
Buddhism is the only one I have seen that makes any sense, but it really is more a philosophy than it is a religion.
We are given the promise that if we seek the Lord with our whole heart, we will find Him.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1
So if you truly want to know God, then study His word.
It isn't up to others to give you a sufficient answer. The answers to all the questions you posted here are found in the Bible. Go search them out.
1. Why doesn't God "talk " to people?
God does not have a body and therefore do not have the vocal chords to speak to us and for our human ears to hear. That is why God created a human nature for His Son, Jesus, and we can hear Him through the church that Jesus founded with St. Peter as the first Pope.

2. Why does he make all these rules and laws to live by but then gives us absolutely no help in following them?
Wrong, God gives us His grace through which we can overcome all of our human limitations.

3. Why do we need to talk to him and ask him things anyway? being the he is meant to have planned everything then why should we ask him to change those plans? plus being he knows everything then why would we need to ask for things anyway because he would already know what we need?
Praying is not for God but for us, to teach us humility and acknowledge our dependence on Him and to strengthen our faith and trust that He will listen to us and provide for our needs.
As mentioned before, Buddhism is nice, but it's also not really a religion.

If you're talking about theistic religion (which I suppose you are), Deism makes the most sense of them all (though none really make complete sense). Deism is basically the belief in some kind of Creator, but the definition of that Creator is up to the individual.

Some Deists believe "God" is an intelligent, personal god similar to those in Abrahamic religions (though with enough differences to be considered a different religion). Other believe "God" is merely some unintelligent, unemotional, natural phenomenon we haven't discovered yet.

So, Deism is basically "until we know what created the universe for sure, I'll say it's X", where X is variable.

Still, if you're a Deist but you're content in knowing that there are things we just don't know, then you're only a small step from atheism :p .

-IMP ;) :)