Does anyone know of a good book that goes into detail about Biblical prophecies?


New member
Jun 17, 2008
I'm currently on the Book of Isaiah, and it's not making a whole lot of sense. My Study Bible has a commentary, but it's pretty sparse. I'm looking for a book that will explain what the prophecies meant in the context of the time.
have you ever heard of an a book called the Key to the science of theology
or another which is called the voice of warning, .

i think these books go into details that most christians dont even consider
There are no good commentary on Isaiah. You can read them, but I would read Isaiah here at before I read any commentaries.
yes , not a book but a web site from a ex catholic friend of mine

if you make it thru nic's site you will have the basics

P,S im not a true believer in ellen white (adventist stuff)
but the basic teachings were established before ellen white
they have the most solid teaching on prophecy

see also adventist teachers , james white(ellens husband) elder COX of los angles adventist
total onslaught by walter veith ex athiest
The Book of Isaiah actually does make sense if you take it in the context of why it was written.

The Tanakh (Jewish Bible) is written for and by the Hebrews. It makes perfect sense for their faith. It doesn't make sense when you try to back Christianity into it. So one of them is false, when you continue reading you will have your answer.
When I was a lot younger and used to read Isaiah I found it pretty puzzling, too. Being from a charismatic background into replacement theology, I thought it was all the church in there. That was much of the problem.

Now I've left that system, and taken off those 'tinted glasses', and a lot more years have passed, in which I've had time to read Isaiah more in context with the rest of the Bible, much more light has dawned! Sometimes it's just simply a matter of your own viewpoint being wrong, a lack of grounding in biblical knowledge, and the years passing, in which there's more hope that the 'penny will drop'.

I have some commentaries on biblical prophecy, more especially on the books of Daniel and the minor prophets than Isaiah, but these I've collected over the years and I don't see them around in 'christian' bookstores anymore (that's when I ever go to them), because these places are usually filled with rubbish nowadays. So, my books are old, and I got them from many places, such as second-hand book stores, the internet, and in decent christian bookshops years ago.

I suggest you try second-hand books on the internet. Also, I have my own sources of books which are on display at the prophecy meetings I go to. These come from 'Prayer for Israel' and many are also available on the 'Prophecy Today' website bookstore. Also, the Prophecy Today folk are serious people and might well be able to help you better. Groups that specialise in prophecy, such as the Pre-Trib. Research Centre (Thomas Ice and Tim LaHaye) might help too.

From my bookshelf I have
'Joel and Amos' by David Allan Hubbard (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries),
'The Message of Daniel' by Ronald S. Wallace (pub. Inter Varsity Press),
'Daniel' by Edward J. Young (Geneva Series, Banner of Truth Trust, Eerdemans Pub.), and 'Revelation' by A.C. Gaebelein (pub.1911 by 'Our Hope' NYK, and Pickering and Inglish).
Gaebelein is by far the best, but this little treasure was unearthed in an old bookshop years ago. If you can get anything by this author, it will be well worth it.

Coming back to Isaiah in particular, he is less written about than the shorter books and the more 'prophetic' stuff such as Daniel and Zechariah, but I'm sure there's stuff out there.

However, as I'm currently reading Matthew's gospel, one cannot fail to note the many references to the fulfillment of biblical prophecy to do with the Lord Jesus' life in there, and these help you to understand some of the old prophecies relating to Messiah. Not only that, the New Testament is peppered with quotations from the Old, so reading one in the context of the other gives further light. Not to mention also, reading them in the context of history, whether pre-exile, during or post. (Actually, I can't think of any that are actually 'post-exilic'). And which kingdom they prophesied to, whether to the Northern Kingdom of Israel or to the Southern Kingdom of Judah.

The other thing about Isaiah is that he writes a lot about the Milennial Kingdom (see and much confusion is avoided if you see the bits about 'the lion lying down with the lamb' and 'beating their swords into ploughshares' etc. in that context, because that won't happen until after Jesus returns.