Does anyone have any simple Fundraising Ideas?


New member
Sep 9, 2013

So I'm thinking of doing a Fundraiser (Using Crowdrise) and I am out of inspiration! So far my fundraising page will only include photos and videos and I'm attempting to raising money for the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).

As well as using Crowdrise, I'm hopefully going to be allowed to put a few posters up at my school and collect donations there. I don't see why not because someone did it before me except just for tigers.

But what else can I do to raise money and make my fundraising page that little bit more exciting? I'm thinking of doing challenges for when we reach a certain amount of money. For example, for every $50 I will not have any chocolate or lollies for a whole week! I'm attempting to raise $500 on Crowdrise but do you have any better ideas for better challenges because going without chocolate and lollies for that long is pretty easy for me. I'm not allowed to sell stuff at the shops or outside my house or hold any huge events either.

Any ideas are welcome! Follow us on Instagram as well. We are @aid_the_animals !

Thanks! :)
-Little Miss I Can Help :D