Does anyone else visualise people as looking like their avatar?

Let's hope this doesn't result in some sort of crazed 'body part avatar' fashion trend...

i hope i dont appear to other ppl like my avatar, a ball of fire rolling towards them, but then who knows...
i dont really look like my avatar, but i do enjoy looking at it and watching the look on other peoples faces as i fly past them in it
I wasn't a panda last time I checked, and I don't even do WTF TKD. So to sum up, I look nothing like my avatar.
omg, my avatar was a karate hamster, but now its some sort of cartton character
(im sure i dont look like a hamster though)
Well now I look exactly like my avatar (apart from the colour) - it's not Photoshop, it's a heritary deformity and I'll thank you not to stare
Wow I hope I never look like mine...well except teh underwear on the head. thats all the rage in these parts
there you go, now you can picture me as some retard who looks angry, but is actually just looking straight into the sun..