Does anyone else think NRA people are paranoid??

You are very wrong that there are not both politicians and PACs that would like nothing better than to outlaw all firearms. You ignorance of the threat to the 2nd Amendment with a wide range of city, state and federal regulations aimed at restricting firearm ownership, the NRA and the millions who own firearms is sad. Why is it virtually impossible for a law abiding citizen in New York, Washington, DC, or Boston to purchase and own a firearm for home defense or sport shooting? I am not rich, will never be rich, but I have seen the 2nd Amendment slowly get chipped away over the last 35 years and in some areas, virtually wiped out. I was raised with a love and respect for firearms. As an gun owner I see how groups, individuals and legislators constantly look for opportunities to attack my right as a law abiding citizen to buy and own firearms. Go blow smoke up someone else's butt. Just pick someone who is as ignorant on the issue as you are or you are liable to have your a*ss handed to you.
They're not paranoid at all. the big bad liberals want to take their guns away. Why shouldn't everyone be able to buy a gun, even criminals, the insane, and drunken Nascar fans. It's against the constitution to limit a citizen to only one gun purchase a day.The good news is that Darwin, whose theory many troglodytic gun owners refuse to believe exists, predicted the 40% rate of gun owners being shot with their own guns. Nature has a way of handling idiots.