does anybody else think its ridiculous that congress is arguing about

Dont bother least they are finally arguing about something instead of being in a coma the last two years!
From an email going around:

"Ed McMahon died this week. He was a great entertainer, but prior to his stage accomplishments he was a distinguished Marine Corps pilot in WWII earning six Air Medals and attaining the rank of Colonel in the USMC Reserves. He was discharged in 1946 and later promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in the CA Air National Guard.

Farrah Fawcett died this week after a long career in Hollywood as an actress. After she was diagnosed with cancer, she became an activist for cancer treatment and devoted her last remaining years encouraging people to seek treatment. She documented her plight on film and used it to encourage others to stay positive and upbeat despite their diagnosis and suffering.

Michael Jackson died this week. He was proclaimed the greatest singer of the modern era. He will also be remembered for his eccentric lifestyle that included sleeping with a chimpanzee, living in a carnival-like atmosphere at Neverland, his fascination with Peter Pan, and his numerous masks and costumes. He also admitted to finding pleasure sleeping with young boys and paying out millions of dollars in settlements to the families of these boys despite being acquitted by a court on one allegation of sexual molestation.
QUESTION - Which of the above did the House of Representatives declare a moment of silence for today?
QUESTION - Which of the above's family received a personal note of condolence from President Obama?"

So, yeah, it is ridiculous.
And a great example of how low our elected gumballs will bow to beg for a few votes.
yes it is also rediculous that the media had a field day or 10 days reporting on jackson congress man king was wright he is a pediphole that got off with money he should have been locked up
Not all that surprised. We have become that big of a joke. If you ever watch the House of Representatives on C-Span, you would see how they bicker and fight like seven year old girls. This is America in 2009--a country that gets its news from TMZ and it isn't news unless it is slamming someone or about a celebrity.
It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of, and even more sad is that we PAY them to argue about things like this!
They are arguing about Micheal Jackson because he was the biggest political figure in the world he was global and that is why he was killed on the slick you guys are so uninformed it is ridiculous. Congress does not know what the CIA has been doing since 2001. Russia has reported that M.J. was killed by the CIA about the time when the M.J conspiracy began you know when he was introduced to the cancer kid.
Just let Michael rest in peace...
All the would of.. should of... could of are null and void now
YES, especially when there is so many more important things going on. Lets put the economy, the wars, and everything else on hold. After all he may have molested a couple children, but hey he sang a good song.
Shhhh. Every minute they spend arguing about MJ is one minute they aren't doing things to wreck the country.
Congress will argue about whether garbage has flies.

They are a no-nothing, do-nothing group of well paid, well fed morons lead by a dimwitted pile of waste.