Do you think there can ever be the perfect size for a gadget?


New member
Dec 31, 2009
mobile phones used to be huge, then they got tiny, now they are creeping back towards bulky. Computers were the same, huge to desktops, to laptops, to netbooks, which are tipped to go out of fashion next year.
I Pods were the same, cameras, T.V.s

will we ever find the perfect size for the gadget that can do all of the things that the above can do and be happy with it?
I don't think so just look at mobile phones if you have large fingers you get a bulky one because small buttons are difficult to use but if you have small fingers you will complain that it is too bulky so unless somebody ever finds a way to make people all the same there will always be demand for things in various sizes
The ideal gadget is about the size if a flee or a speck. It would be whatever size suits the purpose we need it for at the time. One minute it's the size of a mobile phone and we make a call, the next it's a laptop with a nice sized monitor.

I did see a thing about "augmented reality" on the BBC. Perhaps in the future such devices will be real.
The iPhone is about the perfect size for most things. It could be a tad bigger for reading text, but then you couldn't stash it in your pockets so easily. I could imagine it being the size of a paperback, but then I always carry a bag big enough for a paperback so it would suit me.

Seems to me they could have gone a different way with phones, to make them so small you'd just have sensors on your thumb and little finger - to hold like pretend phoning - and a virtual keypad across your palm, but that's just my fantasy.