Do you think the Christian God wants us to be vegetarian, including animals?


Jun 1, 2008
I am no vegetarian and never plan to be one... but one of my college seminars brought up this point and so I was just wondering of your opinions and why

No. Jesus said God made all things pure. Religious people love to hang this over peoples head to control them.
First i am vegetarian and Adam and Eve were and i honestly think in Heaven we will as no killing of animals will be in Heaven, also Lev. 11 gives guidelines for clean and unclean animals health laws if you do eat meat but going all vegie is a much better and healthier lifestyle my opinion, go look before and after the flood in scripture, the flood is in Genesis 6 go look adam and eve lived over 900 years but not so after the flood and people went to eating meat. Oh we are to eat no blood so any meat you do eat is to be without blood go take a good look at those health laws. = bible lessons, = bible.
no.. because he put our eyes in the front of our heads and gave us sharp teeth, meaning we were designed to be predatory meat-eaters
before Moses law you had to be a Vegetarian, after his law was done away with you could eat animals.