Do you think Roger Clemens son Koby who was rbi king (123) in minors will


New member
Jul 3, 2008
be a star in the majors? Looks like Rogers son Koby was the minor league rbi king last season with 123..
Do you think he will be a star in the majors?
Or he will not even get to the "show"?
LoL upon further review i see he has been in single A ball for 3 yrs but he is only 23 & a catcher so he has a chance..
He may make the show but he's been at Spring Training each year and falls flat. Unless he un-aged his best days fast passing.
If his dad gives him fresh hypodermic needles then MAYBE. Maybe Rogers' sperm was tainted with steriods. Maybe that's why the kids' doing so well.