Do you think my friend is gay?

if hes gay give him a shot with you. let him have fun with you. get in bed with him. have fun
ask him if he likes any girls or talk about a girl you like with him, then you'll know depending on his answer/reaction
It sounds like he might be if he was ready to cry but theres not enough examples to be certain, just try not to lead him on if you suspect he is because that will suck for you
Blue films, what is your friend 75. Maybe he is just sensitive. Which is really just another word for gay
You cant tell from that. He could also have a slight case of Autism called ausbergurs (sp?) All his symptoms fit. Hes emotional and he is very caring and is a little different sounding. I don't think hes gay. he might just be different. My brother is like this
Well he does sound gay, but also, gonna cry cause you wouldn't go fishing. He might be obsessed with you. i would start to worry a little about that. He is always checking on you. Even if you like someone and you really like them, you wouldn't want to come off like that!
Well he does sound gay, but also, gonna cry cause you wouldn't go fishing. He might be obsessed with you. i would start to worry a little about that. He is always checking on you. Even if you like someone and you really like them, you wouldn't want to come off like that!
Well he does sound gay, but also, gonna cry cause you wouldn't go fishing. He might be obsessed with you. i would start to worry a little about that. He is always checking on you. Even if you like someone and you really like them, you wouldn't want to come off like that!
my friend nick is the same way, always caring and stuff.
so it's hard to tell, maybe ask him?
it sounds to me that he's probably not gay, but maaaaaybe a little bi curious? i'm not sure.
That doesn't mean that he is gay or bi .
Maybee he cares for youu alot .
Unless you've seen him do something gay ?