Do you think Max Clifford is a nice man provides a vital service to


May 12, 2008
celebrities in need? Or is he just a money grubbing celebrity ring master who should be ashamed of the depths of depravity to which he allows his to clients stoop?
I think it's a shame that we need PR "gurus" in the first place - you might already know, but I'm not a fan of celebrity.

But the sad fact remains that he is needed and, I may choke on this, but he does a fine job in his industry. I except celebs clamber to have him represent them, as he has a great eye for what will sell in today's society and he has the contacts and the gumption to get them a fortune for what is an awful situation.

To be fair to him, if it wasn't him making the money, it would just be someone else so it may as well be someone who is good at it.
If Max Clifford had any scruples he wouldnt allow his client to be subjected to media scrutiny right to (and most probably past) her dying breath.

Remember she may be doing all of this to make money for her children, but whatever happens ........ Max will be getting his 20% cut.