Do you think its wrong for celebs to be airbrushed in photos?


New member
Apr 30, 2008
Hi I was reading the news yesterday about a photo of a celeb that wasnt air brushed got leaked out over the internet and showed the celeb with cellulite etc and it made me think that when we see all these celebs with perfect skin and bodies tit is all fake but women are made to think that these celebs are perfect in everyway and acutally go out and buy all this stuff like excercise equipment and cosmetic products to actually think that this is going to improve there looks when in natural fact no one is that perfect. So all this stuff we go out and buy that is advertised by a celeb has no chance on working, so we mayswell save our money and stop trying so hard to be perfect as no one is.

I personally think it is wrong for a celeb to be airbrushed, as when we see them in films we like them for the acting, or doing whatever they do, so what does it matter how they look ?

No wonder my so many women and girls have low self esteem and other issues like trying to look as perfect as a celeb in all the magazines not knowing that they are air brushed all over the place.

We could all be beautiful with the help of air brushing but it just doesnt happen.

Here is a link to celebs before and after airbrushed photos I think most of the celebs are naturally beautiful so dont need it anyways.

It annoyes me too when a bloke like a boyfriend or hubby comments on how a celeb looks in a certain photo, as its air brushed and that they really dont look like that in real life, and I just get looked at like Im stupid as if this real looking perfect person exsist lol when its all just make up and lights and airbrushing. It then make you think I wish I could be like that etc when there is no need to feel that way

I wonder how many pin ups blokes would have up on there wall if the photoes werent airbrushed with all the cellulite, fat and stretchmarks are on show like us normal women are judge for lol