Do you think it's a joke when people who don't even know your call you fake?


New member
Nov 4, 2011
You don't know me. I don't know you, so just get a lives ok? ty bye. :)
thanx to all the supportive ppl
um okay?

1. who are you tlaking too? of course i dont know you, obviously you dont know me. then you tell me get a lives? you cannot have more then 1 life at a time then you tell me bye? okay.. stop trolling

2. i think your whole question here is a joke. the extra info under the actual question doesnt even reffer to anyone here as we havnt even met you so how can we think you are fake then you tell us to get a life.

so really yes i think this question is a joke adn that you are a hypocrit.

They're jealous of you since you're a blonde
"Fake" is the only thing us non-blondes can throw at you immediately

One thing I've learnt is....They've a mouth & they can talk etc...
The river-mouth, U can close...BUT a human-mouth, U can't :)
Let them say what they want.....
Can't agree/click......Keep away & make yr own Life Happy...
Pointless to get mad or think abt them....True, what U said.

Time to koool that mind of ours ~~~ LOL

CHEERS & Nice Day:)
Is that supposed to be an insult? Wow, the world has created some really retarded offensive words. Insults are nothing but wasted breath by the person saying them. If someone calls you fake, why would you even care?
Yes, it happened to me ealier tonight on here.

LOL, I'd say more, but I'd probably get thumbed down.