DO you think he was very rude or just joking with me??? what should i do if i see


New member
Feb 17, 2012
him again? I think he really hates me because of this signs he gave me he deleted me on facebook, avoids me, kept walking away from me, keep walking so fast away from. Its like i done something wrong to him but i really couldnt think and i cant ask him because i dont want to bring it up again.

Then after a few months i did not talk to him or contact with him , i was talking to my friend on facebook and he joined, i just only did a few comment and he commented after i did, so to make things not awkward anymore i started a conversation with him on my friends status..

Me: hey how r u ? how is everything,long time no see. .
him: i am dead

Do you think he simply just hates me randomly, we hang in the same group and i dont understand, it would be good if he is joking but it looks like he is telling me sotp talking to me i am dead... But why did he start comment after i did? he would never do it, he usally would not comment on status that i comment on purpose. Does he want me to think about him? and it happened on valentines day. Thanks
It's obvious he doesn't want to be bothered so don't even waste your time trying to figure out why he dislikes you if you can't figure out what you've done wrong. He's a jerk.