Do you think an average gay guy is more attractive than an average straight guy?


Active member
May 15, 2008
Please answer based on your experience, not stereotypes.
@Antony Has a Question, that's funny because I know around 15 gay guys and all of them are too skinny, and that's what turns me off.
I would have to say the average gay guy when they are young are more attractive, cause gay guys tend to pay attention to skin care and grooming and fitness much more so than your average straight guy. That stuff just doesn't interest many straight guys.
umm i will say some of them but the mayory of gay teens or young people are actually FAT and that turns me OFF i think in general straight guy can be more sexi..
I would suppose so,but only because many gay men like to crossdress and wear heavy makeup,to help them put Miss Universe to shame.
If i were a gay man i would say both, but as a straight woman, i would be more attracted to a straight guy. But what happens if the gay guy looks like a straight guy? Then it would be confusing!