Do you remember having a premonition about something, what was it?


New member
May 30, 2008
I have had many. When I saw something blowing up before 9-11 I thought I needed to tell someone & then realized that I didn't know who to call, they would put me on the crazy list & it was going to happen anyway.

One day the boy next door rode by me on the 3 wheeler & said Hi & smiled & I thought "He really looks adorable" I felt like I needed to go tell his mother this. I wondered why I wanted to do that. I got in my car & took off instead of going over to his house. He died in a car accident that night. Now I follow my intuition if it prompts me to do soemthing.

So have you ever had that voice in your head tell you something you ignored or followed? What happened.

I was riding down the street & my husband was driiving & there was a pick up truck in front of us. I yelled for my husband to get off to the shoulder of the road. He listened & if he wouldn't have we would have been hit by a flying ladder. The ladder was in the pick up but I don't think we could even see it & it flew out & went right to the place we wouldn't have been if my husband hadn't pulled over.

So what have you prevented from happening or wish you would have but you didn't follow your inner guidance?
Every Wednesday and Saturday, I have a premonition that I'm going to win sod-all on the lottery..

And every Wednesday and Saturday, it comes true!
I had a horrible feeling about a week before 9-11 and tried to tell my sister who called me on that Sunday. I told her something terrible was going to happen, didn't know what and was nearly crying when I said it. She started dismissing it by saying "I you know there are enough problems to worry about today without thinking about the future.blah, blah blah" so I didn't say any more. The day after it happened she called me up and said in an excited voice "Oh you were right, you were right! you knew something was going to happen." I told her I would never tell her anything like that again because she didn't want to believe me when I told her. I've had dreams and other feeling-type premonitions about things that later happened, and once it was very personal about someone's brother who was a prisoner-of-war. He didn't believe me but did after his brother was released as I told him would happen within a certain time frame.

I had a lot of dreams starting when I was 14 about people in the family dying (4 relatives in a year and half), and some were just about people coming for a visit, very unexpected and surreal dreams.