do you need any permits for recreation mining on national forests?

Yes. State lands are usually easier and less restrictive than federal lands. Look up the state and federal offices in your yellow pages portion of the telephone book. Find their address and phone number. Information is something you can get on the phone from either agency, but the paperwork and applications will usually have to be picked up and/or filled out in their offices. It is also sometimes necessary to know the coordinates for the general area in which you plan on prospecting, especially if you plan on actually filing a claim or operating equipment, dredging, sluicing, etc. Look also for state recreational mining areas where you usually do not need any special permits. The state permits we have here in Alaska must be renewed every year. They cover specific areas and are NOT good for the entire state or any federal lands. It is also advisable to do a claim check to see if the land you plan to work is already under someone else's registered claim. Look for prospecting or mining associations in your state that can advise you as needed. A LOT of information can be readily found on the Internet. Good luck!