Do you know the title or author if this sci fi book about lizard like creature?


New member
Aug 27, 2009
Hi maybe you or someone here can help me find a book ive been looking for for ages. I dont remember the name or the author :(
Its about a young man who was kidnapped when he was a child along with a little girl by a group of lizard-like aliens. Here are all the details i remember:
1. the ‘aliens’ communicate telepathically and by twiching and color flashes on their skin/scales. Because of this they cannot lie
2. The girl either dies or becomes a mute slave but the boy shows that he is smart and kept as a pet.Eventually he helps one of the aliens gain power by tricking the others with a lie resulting in the leader getting killed and his ‘master’ taking over
3. they lizard-like people are very smart, have their own cities, culture etc and thing the humans are more kin to animals.
If any of this rings a bell please respond to this or send me an email at [email protected]
I read this book when i was very young and it didn’t even have a cover. Forgive my ignorance, but help!