Do you have different hug styles for different people?

Depends on the person and how close you are to them or even wether i want to hug them at the moment or not...
yess i do.
i'm a girl and the best kind of hugs i like are when i think a guy is cute and the guys arms go over and mine go under he squeezes me umm like a bear hug i guess
or with my crush (guy) when my arms are over his shoulders and his are on my waist kinda but only if they're short though, cause i'm a short girl.
or when just any of my guy friends hugs me and i dont hug them back cause im cold so i keep my hands like on my chest kinda?
those three are my favorites.

with girls ill just give them like a half hug also with any guys like i barely met or anything
I'm male, and obviously I hug my girlfriend completely different to how I'd hug a female friend and probably the bf hug :)

Family - Bear Hug & close body contact
Friends - Quick and sweet
Boyfriend - arms around is neck or waist, close & long time
I think you pinned it. You are very observative.
I like hugs from a caring sensitive guy because they make you feel special and really know how to cuddle and want to cuddle- I am a girl.