Do you have a favourite recipe?


New member
Mar 4, 2013
In my small and sunny kitchen,
in a flashing thought precise;
I stumbled on a precious,
treasure of advice.

When I'm busy baking cookies,
with little chocolate chips,
Life is sweet and mellow,
like a smile upon my lips.

When I'm busy cooking curries,
Life is with rife with spice,
Tangy hot and saucy sweet,
on a silken bed of rice.

When I'm busy cooking pies,
Life is cosy and complete,
Crisp and warm and nourishing,
Relaxing and replete.

When I'm busy baking cakes,
(if I so much care to dare)
Life is fruity, rich and fun,
with a nut hidden here and there.

When I'm busy making salads,
with lettuce leaves and sprouts;
Life is fresh and vibrant green,
without yesterday's doubts.

When I'm busy making soup,
fragrant with new thyme,
Life is soothing and tranquil,
With hours of serene time.

Life is all about new mixtures,
In precise, perfect measure;
When blended with your heart,
You'll have a recipe to treasure.

So, don't be shy, go on...
Start cooking up a storm;
The menu of your life,
will tastefully transform.

: )