Do you give hobos money?


New member
May 16, 2008
I was walking to a baseball game (Detroit vs Baltimore) and there were hobos all over the place figuring there'd be some people there to mooch off of. I didn't give any of them money except one guy cause he was cool. A few people I noticed would stop and give like every damn hobo $5 and I was like...WTF?

TL;DR Do you give hobos money?
i had a homeless guy ask me for money once. i gave him a five and he left. that's the only time i've been confronted by this. what's wrong with giving someone who has nothing a little something?
I know this girl and her mom just like looks for hobos to help them.
And my dads friend picked one up one night and took him for a few beers and he said the guy had lots of really cool stories.
I once threw like 5 bucks in change at one hobo.
I felt bad because I'm sure it hurt and he had to pick it all up, but then I realized he worked for the money and it was all fair.
No, all they do is blow it off on booze and smokes. Thats why most of them are fucking hobos.
not normally, most of the time you pull your wallet out to hand them a dollor and they just take your whole wallet and run. cant trust em. but i felt bad when we were walking in downtown and one asked my friend for a cig, and he just kept walking. i stopped for half a step but friend kept going because he didnt understand the guy since he only had half his teeth.