Do you ever use your cell phone will riding?

Sometimes. I never tweet while riding and I only answer it if it's one of my parents or someone important. I'll text it I'm just walking around the arena and I don't really have to focus on what I'm doing, but that's really it. Or I'll take pictures because I like taking pictures haha.

My trainer yells at me whenever she sees me texting and riding haha. Two of my three weekly lessons are private, so I'm never on my phone then, but the other lesson is with my friend Allie and occasionally with two other girls who are only there over the summer and breaks because they're in college. So when it's one of their turns to jump and I'm just walking around, I don't see any problem with texting! Texting and driving is bad, but texting and riding is harmless, as long as you're walking, haha!
Funny you asked... I was just texting my friend today on horseback. I had an ominous feeling something might go wrong, sure enough, guess what?

A buzz saw went off! No joke! My horse backed up really quickly a couple of steps, but didn't spook entirely. However, if she had, I would not have had time to grab the reins and stop her.
Only if I receive a call. I don't tweet or text or anything because I'm too busy exercising my horse.

But when I ride, I'm only ever leisurely walking around on trails. If I was into dressage or something, I wouldn't even have my phone on me during rides.