do you believe there was a conspiracy to kill JFK ?


New member
Aug 6, 2008
I really believe there was a second shooter on the "Grassy Knoll". Cigarette butts and muddy footprints were found behind the fence minutes after the shooting. People heard a shot come from behind the fence. They also saw smoke and smelled gun powder. Minutes before the assassination, a man saw two cars circling the parking lot behind the knoll minutes before the shooting. Men in the cars were talking on walkie talkies. During the shooting , two men were seen standing behind the fence. People saw a flash of light , saw smoke and smelled gun powder.

A witness saw a man wearing glasses run out the back exit ofthe book depository building 2 minutes after the shooting. The man could've been Malcolm Wallace (whose fingerprint was found on boxes in the sniper's nest). Wallace wore glasses.

I really do believe there was a conspiracy to kill John Kennedy. There were definatelty TWO GUNMEN firing at Kennedy that day.

S.M Holland and others heard a shot come from the knoll. So many witnesses could not have been wrong. What about the Parkland doctors ? They can't all be wrong when they said they saw the back of JFK's head blown off.

And what about figure standing behind the fence in the Mary Moorman photo ? How do you explain that ? (no ! i'm not talking about badge man").

What about the dictabelt recording ? 4 gunshots can be heard on the tape and they're spaced the same as witnesses recalled hearing them.

Yeah , I know the assassiantion happened like 46 years ago. Not many give a damn anymore. But it matters to me. Call me crazy. Call me what you like. Those who say Oswald acted alone refuse to believe we don't live in a perfect world.
Greatest line from Full Metal Jacket:

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Do any of you people know where these individuals learned how to shoot?... Private Joker.
Private Joker: Sir. In the Marines, Sir.
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: In the Marines. Outstanding. Those individuals showed what one motivated Marine and his rifle can do. And before you ladies leave my Island, you will all be able to do the same thing.