Do you believe the JFK Assassination was a conspiracy ?


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Me , I'm still skeptical (meaning I'm unsure what to believe). I've heard all the theories and I've done a lot of research on the subject. It seems like the more you learn about it , the less you know.

I've seen the famous Mary Moorman photograph. There's DEFINATELY a man standing behind the fence. And I'm not talking about the "Badge Man".

As for the "Magic Bullet" , I don't believe a single bullet went through Kennedy and Connally. It's IMPOSSIBLE. Bullets never stay pristine after going through two humans. And I can't believe the so-called Warren Commission bought this theory.

The Missed Shots(s) : There were at least three misses.
1. South curb of Main St. (where James Tague was standing)
2. Manhole cover Elm St. (bullet was found in the grass)
3. North curb of Elm St.

And there was also damage done the limousine. The windshield was cracked (caused by bullet fragments). And the metal trim had a dent in it (bullet strike).

Who did it ? :
The Mafia ?
The Cubans ?
LBJ ? who knows ?

I heard all the theories and seen every movie. From "Executive Action" to Oliver Stone's "JFK".

And then there's the Tippit killing. Officer Tippit was shot 4 times. 4 shells was discovered at the crime scene. 2 of the shells could not have come from Oswald's gun.

What do you think ? Do you believe President Kennedy's assassiantion was some big conspiracy covered up by powerful men working in the Government ? Where can you get assassins that have short hair cuts and dress like auto mechanics ?
The only way (I know of) to keep a lid on something that big is to try and keep it small, and then kill the hired gunmen and then kill those who killed the gunmen. Timeliness is EVERYTHING and so, it would all have to be carried out in a matter of minutes. The longer one waits, the more loose ends needing to be fixed.

Yes, I believe it was a conspiracy.