do you believe that religion is something that cant be mocked?


Jul 15, 2008
i was cracking a few jesus jokes with some friends, all in good fun of course, and one of them was highly offend. i honestly didn't care because i dont think things like religion nor sciences are beyond being mocked at all no matter how much faith one puts into it but what do you think? whats your opinion on mocking religion?

RELIGIOUS PEOPLE please please, im asking you in the name of what ever your god or saint is, dont get overly buttocks hurt and flame. im sure most of you are grown up enough to approach this calmly and in a mature way.

and please dont mindlessly post things like "you're going to hell" and "god hates you" you only make a fool of yourself doing so.
Okay i don't know if this is the answer you are looking for but here's what i think- i love a good joke but i draw the line if someone is making fun of Jesus or God/Holy Spirit. There is a difference in humor and offensiveness. I have heard some very funny jokes on religion and appreciate them but it's not funny to blaspheme our Creator. Just my thoughts.....
Anything can be mocked... I am a beleiver and other ppls stupidity rarely offends me... however sumtimes, i get a little tiffed depending on what they say about my GOD, but then i have to remember that some ppl are just lost, but if it was a joke i would probably laugh at it.....
God HAS to have a sense of humor, otherwise things wouldn't be so F*n funny.

Jesus walks into a hotel with 3 spikes in his hand and says " can you put me up for the night"

And I have stigmata, so I hope to hell God has a sense of humor.
If not I'll have friends and relatives in both places.
Here's a quote for you:

"We should respect one's religion but only in the sense and to the extend that we respect this theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart"

I really don't differenciate religion with anything else that "can" be mocked.

Here's proof of that:

"When one person suffers from delusion, its called insanity. When a whole group of people suffer from delusion, its called Religion."

See what I mean?
Why do you want to hurt your friends? I would never knowingly crack jokes about something if I knew it was going to hurt someone I liked. You are being mean and rude. You are not a good friend. God does not hate you though. He created you. You were with God and then he put you into your flesh body. He created your soul for his pleasure. When you leave your flesh body, then you will go back to God. God loves you. When Jesus was dying, he asked our Father to forgive the people who was torturing and taking his life to forgive them, they know not what they do. Honey, you know not what you do, either.
I really don't care if you mock my religion. I can laugh at myself/what I believe in. Lots of people mock/don't understand it anyway. :p
it depends on the joke. there are such things as going too far, of course. but if it's all in good fun, i see no harm. i mean, God had a sense of humor, that's why he created us =P