Do you believe in the 2012 prophecy?

no....first rapture comes and then 7 yrs of tribulation before JESUS RETURNS...SO THE EARLIEST IS 2018
It may or may not be true, but spending time with this kind of material is a waste of time. You won't know if any of it is true unless it happens. I have found that there is reasons to believe that the Mayan calendar stops at Dec. 2012 and I've found some "Christian" writings that seem to support that idea. But even if I'm right, so what? Won't know that until it happens. The time is better spent keeping God's commandments rather than speculating about an event that may or may not happen.
Yes, I believe the year 2012 will occur. No, I'm not gullible enough to believe the world will end next year.
None of this end of the world thing. The only prophecy I know will happen is the end of my life and thus will face Jesus; thus I have to be a great girl scout... be prepared everyday. {Pax
No. If every prophecy came true, there would have been no one around to think up one for 2012.