Do you believe in the "2012 End of the World Prophecy"?

I will never happen. I've heard it over and over again, with people even going on TV to say the world will end in 1980, 1990, 1992, 1999, 2000 etc and are all proven wrong like every other fortune teller.

The truth of the matter, is these people are nut cases, and it ain't going to happen.
I would have to say no more then when everyone freaked out about Y2K. There is always a day that the world is coming to an end but, it never seems to come to pass.
Puma Punku is very interesting in that "defies an explanation" sort of way...
Nobody can prophesy the end of the world and the world is ot going to end n 2012. In case you wanna know we still have about 12 billion years to go.
Coming from a civilization that couldn't even prophesize its own doom, practiced ritual cannibalism and bloodletting sessions, I think I'll pass. I'm picky about belief systems that way. If I'm gonna believe in mumbo jumbo, I would choose to believe that this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
I will not worry about the end of the world because I know I'm going to Heaven in any case whether if I will die before Jesus returns or I'll be raptured. God is the only one who even knows when Jesus will return.