Do u think you could get away with kiling some 1??

Not really that smart, since they'll see a flight coming in, a death, then a flight going out.

isicle that would take care of not having to melt a gun down/ knife down. as for who your killing thats a personal prefrence. do like they did in the old days kill your dad to marry your mom so you can be king;)
There is a fairly high percentage of cases that do go unsolved. So obviously you can.
Well think about this...If someone killed another person and got away with it, chances are you would never hear about it. There are probably thousands upon thousands of cases where they haven't caught the murderer.
Tweek1957;48228423']What about the random car left in Montana, most likely in your name? Because you did say drive to montana then fly back... Yeah good job retard.

And of course I could kill someone and get away with it. I live in fuckin North Dakota. Do you know how many fucking square miles of complete barrenness there are here. Shit I mean by the time they found the body, I'd already be fucking dead... FUCK.
Yes. Fly to the other side of the country and kill a completely random person with whom you have absolutely no connection to nor any motive to kill. Do not touch the body or ever return to the scene. Go directly home. There is absolutely nothing to go on.
Honestly, i think i could.

not saying to be cool, e-agg, or anything. Not lying to myself, i just know i could
Yes, but without motive, you are simply a serial killer. And it is that much easier to get away with the crime.

Random murders are for whacked out cults.

Getting away with a crime of passion or a hit is where the skill is.


Honestly, if I was to the point where I would actually kill somebody, I'd try to kill as many people as humanly possible. Then suicide. I couldn't handle the whole "omfg I jus killed somebody zomg" thing.
Do it in an area with an underfunded police force, and do it right, and you'll be fine. D.C. doesn't even have a real fingerprint lab.
Make sure the gun still has bullets in the magazine when you dunk it in though. . .just to be safe, and dump all your excess ammo in there too. It's the only really decent way to do it, otherwise, they wold trace you. :dodgy:
I know a couple kids that have shot someone and gotten away with it. Dont know if they died or not though.