Do u believe in reincarnation or rebirth i have a question?


New member
Jul 24, 2008
many religions believe that rebirth is real they say that all human have to pay for his sins today or next birth what a bullshit and they born in next life as they deed in their privious life and they need to pay for that let us think that if anyone is cruel murderer and bad deed involve in his previous birth then his next birth will be according to his previous deeds and he will got that kind of physical and mental body means his dna or body will constructed like his previous bad deeds then his next birth will have a bad physical mind cruel heart according to previous deeds then he will automatically will do bad deeds and will got many worries tension full he will have no control over his body because his dna and body is according to his previous birth so he forced to got worries means he has no own choice or deeds he cant do good things if he will do such then he will have happy life but his previous life not allow this so he will not have any own choice over his deeds and his current life is according to previous life then his next birth will also be like his previous life but his previous life was uncontroll by his previous deeds means he will got same current life becouse of his previous deeds where he has no own choice and he forced to do such bad things and got worries means every current life is according to previous life then where is his actual deeds if anyone perform bad deeds once then he will got same birth for paying himself which is impossible.
let if we destroy our earth or world then where will our all soul go. direct to god without contract or doing good deeds then what will happen another earth will be made by god for our previous deeds all soul will be in mars.
most biggest thought is that every one have to pay for his good bad deeds in his own current life not in next birth.
as u will do in your life u will got result in ur current life everything will be stopped after ur death.
and next human will be birth according to his cicumtenses and will get happy worry according to his ability.everyone has half weakness and half strongness.means half happy and half worry in his current life.
and u will born if any another will perforn sexual relationship.neither u will have no other next and pay in ur own life. everyone is same .